Youssef Nageeb


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CONTACT PHONE +971 4 354 4444

Youssef is a Paralegal within our Litigation Department, bringing to the team a year of hands-on experience across civil, criminal, commercial, insurance, and real estate litigation. He is known for his analytical acumen and dynamic approach to legal matters. Fluent in both English and Arabic, Youssef excels in interpersonal communication and negotiation, underpinned by his detail-oriented mindset. 

Holding an LLB in Law (Honors) from the United Arab Emirates, Youssef demonstrates a strong foundation in legal principles. He leverages his expertise to provide sound legal solutions, effectively navigating complex disputes. Additionally, he possesses a keen understanding of corporate risk mitigation and compliance management, ensuring clients' interests are safeguarded. 

Youssef's skill set extends to legal drafting and case building, where he consistently meets and exceeds the expectations of clients. His dedication to excellence and commitment to securing favorable outcomes make him an invaluable asset.


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