Expert Opinion
Our experts are frequently called upon by international law firms, corporates, and individuals to provide specialist opinions on the intricacies of UAE law. Their nuanced but practical approach means they are renowned for skilfully detailing the legal implications or interpretations of often-complex legal issues, identifying risks and offering pragmatic advice.

Horizons & Co. is widely recognised for providing expert opinions on UAE laws before arbitral tribunals and foreign courts. Given our longevity in the legal market and the calibre of our lawyers, we are considered one of the best in the country when it comes to providing expert opinions, especially as we have helped shape and develop the UAE legal landscape for many years.
Through our Managing Partner, Ali Al Zarooni, we have provided expert witness statements concerning issues relating to UAE laws before foreign courts, including England and Wales, Scotland, Australia, and Switzerland, as well as before many international arbitration forums. We have an excellent reputation for effectively communicating legal concepts to foreign courts or international arbitrations. Our expertise lies in bridging the gaps between civil law and common law, due to our comprehensive knowledge of the UAE and our ability to present opinions in a manner that resonates with foreign judges or arbitral tribunals.
Representative Experience
- On bankruptcy and liquidation procedures in the UAE in a litigation commenced in the Federal Courts of Australia.
- On a credit insurance policy concerned with elements of UAE Civil and Commercial law, related to Article 1028 of the UAE Civil Code before the DIFC Courts in relation to the Orient Insurance PJSC vs Hazel Middle East FZE litigation.
- On the extent to which claimed heads of loss are recoverable under UAE law in the contact Article 390 of the Federal Law No. 5/1985 (the “Civil Code”), and the concept of actual loss.
- On certain UAE legal issues including breaches of Article 85 of Federal Law No. 10 of 1985 and Article 216 of the Federal Law No. 3 of 1987 before the Swiss Commercial Court of the Canton of Zurich.
- On specific questions of UAE Law pursuant to Article 121 of Federal Decree No. 23 of 2022 for Invest Bank.
- On bankruptcy proceedings against a UAE company on behalf of a UK law firm in a cross-border litigation with a matter value of USD 144 million.
- On certain aspects of UAE law of relevance to the matter- on Article 390 of Federal Law No.5 of the 1985 UAE Civil Code for a private real estate developer in a dispute with an international construction company before DIAC (DIFC-LCIA).
- On the legal implications arising from the claim against the respondent, a large electronics company, under two authorised non-exclusive distribution agreements executed between the involved parties before DIAC (DIFC-LCIA).
- On a claim filed before the English High Court in relation to the respondent's liability towards two defendants arising from the alleged abuse of human rights.
- On contested matters of UAE law concerning Article 121 of Federal Decree Law No. 23 of 2022 in proceedings initiated by a prominent UAE bank before the English High Court, notably on y the validity of personal guarantees and the application of Article 121-bis of the Banking Law.

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